ICE Servers configuration problem


Deploying openvidu server with Docker, is possible to change default port(3478) and add security(username and password) to stun and turn servers?


add security(username and password) to stun and turn servers?

Actually turn is secured and turn credentials are created dinamically by OpenVidu Server every time a user connects to an OpenVidu session. There’s some information about this topic here: OpenVidu 2.2.0: TURN made easy. We published while ago the direction… | by OpenVidu | Medium

Deploying openvidu server with Docker, is possible to change default port
No, actually is not possible to change the port used for ICE servers. Only port 3478 can be used.

Is not possible. OpenVidu uses port 3478 for ICE servers and it’s not possible to parametrize it at the moment.