If we don’t configure OPENVIDU_WEBRTC_ICE_SERVERS in .env file, OpenVidu will use it’s own coturn service address.
When a webrtc user join room, the server will give the response with the default turn server.
For example:
"customIceServers": [
"url": "turn:165.225.xxx.xxx:3478",
"username": "1717062407:24ue9awO",
"credential": "1V9oCVaXQZS0r89cXh1eQAWdbk8="
Here turn:165.225.xxx.xxx:3478 is generated by the server, and I found the IP 165.225.xxx.xxx is the public address of the company network, because I didn’t configure it anywhere, is it correct? The question is how the server detected this public address as turn server address?
Can anyone help understand this issue? Thanks.