I’ve been running OpenVidu successfully for nearly 12 months now but I’ve recently hit some issues with certain users not passing video.
OpenVidu 2.17 on a vSphere VM, Ubuntu 18.04 clean
Behind a pfsense firewall. VM has a local IP which is 1:1 NAT with a dedicated public IP. Rules pass all the required ports for both IPv4 and IPv6.
I’ve noticed that the ICE candidates that go out (and there’s a lot of them) use the local IPv4 and IPv6 addresses but do not list the public addresses. On our AWS OpenVidu it sends the public IP as a candidate. It amazes me that this has never been a problem before. We upgraded to 2.17 a couple of weeks ago and have run a big event since successfully. It does appear that all users have been connecting via 3478 though, and not a direct port.
What would prevent our on-premise OpenVidu server from sending it’s public IP as a candidate?
We use NPT IPv6 translation in pfSense. The IPv6 candidates are all the local prefixed IPv6 addresses.
Is there a way of adding candidates manually?
Many thanks,