ICE checking and Failing

We have a problem with ice checking. Sometimes and randomically, the ice negotiation fails.
In particular the ice state is blocking at CHECKING and after 2 minutes go to FAILED.
What we can do in the state CHECKING (after a while) to retry the reconnection? _
We can use onRenegotationNeeded? what to do inside it?
We have the same problem in web and android application with the latest OV2.14, everything is good with OV 2.9


Hello @Francesco_Gatto,

I’m sorry to hear that you are having ICE connection problems. Please can you share KMS logs when ICE connection fails to take a look?

As a temporary solution, you can test ICE connection state:

And reconnect again (create new Publisher or new Subscriber).

Best regards

Thanks @micael.gallego,
We are working to collect the KMS log, in the meanwhile, can you help me with the reconnection?
We have Alice that is connected via Web and Bob on Android device. Bob is not receiving audio/video because the ICE status of ALICE remain in CHECKING and Alice can see the video and audio of BOB correctly.
What exactly can I do on Android to reconnect? I need to unpublish Alice from Android or what?
Thanks a lot

Yes… you should unpublish the publisher with ICE connection problems and try again.

@micael.gallego thanks! just a last thing. I’m looking tin he OV web Code to write the same in Android (i think to insert too in the android project example on OV github ).I should use the forceUnpublish(stream: Stream) or what?

Android code is a prototype, is not a proper SDK. So you should have to investigate yourself where to put the reconnection code.

@micael.gallego here you can find the kms log (You can see it with yours gmail email)

About the code for Android project, i just need to know where to copy the code from typescript
to implemen it. For example if I should use to send an un unpublish with streamId (but i need to be a moderator) or what else.

Thanks a lot for the support

if you joined and publishing something its mean you are publisher then also for unpublish you need to be same