how to show web videocall filter into mobile?, i have added allowed filter but its not working..

Future createWebRtcToken({@required String sessionId, String role = ‘MODERATOR’}){

final Map<String, dynamic> modelKurentoOption = <String, dynamic>{
  'allowedFilters': ["GStreamerFilter", "ZBarFilter"],
final Map<String, dynamic> bodyMap = <String, dynamic>{
  'session': sessionId,
  'data': '',
  'role': "MODERATOR",
  "kurentoOptions": modelKurentoOption,

final Map<String, dynamic> headersMap =
<String, dynamic>{
  'Authorization': 'Basic ${base64Encode(utf8.encode('OPENVIDUAPP:$_secret'))}'
return ApiClient().request<Map<String, dynamic>>(Config(
  uri: Uri.parse('https://$_url/api/tokens'),
  headers: headersMap,
  body: RequestBody.json(bodyMap),
  responseType: ResponseBody.json()
)).then((Map<String, dynamic> jsonResponse) {
  print('◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤ Create WebRTC token POST response: $jsonResponse ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤');
  token = jsonResponse['token'];
  return token;


  1. You are using the old deprecated API of tokens. Use the modern Connection API
  2. Creating a Connection with the permisions to use filters is just the first step to actually enable a server-side filter. You must call the client method to enable it. Read the filter documentation: Voice and video filters - OpenVidu Docs