How to setup the in ios open vidu

i am try to install the open vidu but there is no link for instruction

Can you describe what you want to achieve exactly?

What you mean by “How to setup in ios open vidu”?

i want implement openvidu in my native ios app. but there is no document for ios app plz help me how to work openvidu in swift ios

Nowadays iOS native is not supported by OpenVidu. However, the community provide us a Pull Request

No docs included.


Thank U so much for Replying me

Hello CSantosM
how are you?

there is any option for us how to implement openvidu sdk in ios native can we write some code may be openvidu help for me bcoz we have implement openvidu on backend side we dont want rework that’s why i ask you many time

Just take a look to this PR and test if it works for your use case.