How to implement voice activity detection for publisher?

Hi there! I am still evaluating OpenVidu. I have successfully implemented Push-To-Talk using the this.publisher.publishAudio(state); API.

Now I would like to have some kind of an API which would let me do:

if (publisher is speaking) {
} else {

Perhaps with some granular control over the activation volume. I found a module called hark ( which seemed promising but I can’t make it to work.

const monitor = hark(;
monitor.on('speaking', () => {

monitor.on('stopped_speaking', () => {

Hi Rush,

The Hark library is used by openvidu-browser internally. Therefore you can use it for detect if some publisher is speaking through our Speech detection events

@CSantosM it seems this is for remote publishers only.

A workaround that you can use is the audio volume detection for your local publisher