I want to put an indicator that the publisher is actually sending audio…
publisherspeakingevent (https://openvidu.io/api/openvidu-browser/classes/publisherspeakingevent.html) seems to be triggered only on the other participants of the stream, but I would like to detect it on the speaker’s machine too…
Is there any approach where I could achieve this? Or this is unsupported?
I am also looking for a solution. @Gabriel_Hamdan - have you got a way around? Thanks.
No… I’m still waiting for the answer…
Until then, I’m not showing user it’s own speaking status.
Unfortunately speakingEvents are only triggered for remote audio streams. We can study the possibility of supporting them also in local audio streams.
In the meantime, you may wanna check event streamAudioVolumeChange in object StreamMamagerEvent https://openvidu.io/api/openvidu-browser/classes/streammanagerevent.html
This can be triggered by both Publishers and Subscribers. It is not really a “this user has started/stopped speaking” event, but you can check for the value returned and use a threshold to tell the user that he is actually emitting sound at any moment.
Thanks @pabloFuente. Will try that out.