How to generate public.cert and intermediate.crt from godaddy ssl certificates


I have generated CSR and updated in Godaddy. i have dowloaded ssl certificates from Godaddy those are having gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt, dd4be6f1a1bf629f.crt and dd4be6f1a1bf629f.pem format. How to generate certificate.cert from these certificates?

  1. Usually the files to generate the certificate.cert can be downloaded or are sent via email from the CA. These files are:

The intermediate certificate. (It usually have more than one key with —BEGIN CERTIFICATE— This file will be called as intermediate.cert in following steps.
Your ssl certificate. An unique certificate key with —BEGIN CERTIFICATE—. This file will be called as public.cert in following steps.
4) You need to concat these two files in an unique certificate.cert file in this way:

cat public.cert intermediate.crt > certificate.cert

cat dd4be6f1a1bf629f.crt gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt >>  certificate.cert

Source: Installing SSL (GoDaddy) on NGINX | by Sikandar Khan | Medium