Has Openvidu Call App User Limit?

We are using latest dockerized Openvidu call-app v2.12.0. With recent OpenVidu server deployment as mentioned on ubuntu 16.04 deployment tutorial.

Our openvidu server has 2 cores and 4 GB memory.

We couldn’t able to connect more than 5 users at the same time into the room. 6th user can see others in the room but there is no stream. Meanwhile, others can not see the new subscriber on their screen.

Is there any user limitation on the application or server itself?

Hi @Tolga_Kaprol,

We’re working to get better OpenVidu Call app, fixing bugs and adding new features.

The current openvidu-call docker image is not designed for production

We are also working in a new way to deploy OpenVidu Call app in a server along with all necessary dependencies to make it work.

It will be released really soon.

Stay tuned :slight_smile:

Hello again,

We are still experiencing the following issue. According to console log, we are receiving following error after 5th user:

We couldn’t able to connect more than 5 users at the same time into the room.

Reached KMS files limit: 812

I found the error from Kurento’s source code, it says:

“set a higher limit with ulimit -Sn, or in the KMS service settings (/etc/default/kurento-media-server)”

I set a higher limit as advice and restarted both Kurento and OpenVidu servers but received the same errors again.

Please update to OpenVidu latest version (2.13) as we have fixed important stabillity bugs to allow more users to be added.