How can i disable session manager auto generated console logs in server side ?
How can i disable session manager auto generated console logs in server side ?
Java, Node?
We lack important information to answer
Do you mean logs of actual openvidu-server?
Node, In client side there is a function enableProductionMode()
which disable all logs of openvidu browser. Is there any way in server side to disable all logs of openvidu node ? I am running openvidu with docker container. I mean this log…
Why you want to disable openvidu server logs?
There is no easy way to disable them.
Ok, thanks to reply.
In our app there are other important logs we need to monitor, on the server we run openvidu server and our own server in different ports. And unfortunately we can’t scroll the terminal, so its kinda hard to monitoring logs while debugging.
Buy openvidu server is deployed in its own container. Why don’t you look only to your container?