Compiling Openvidu Angular Library with export not found in angular/cdk/overlay

Hi guys,

I was trying to customize the video’s css style by building openvidu-library-angular from the source code, following this guide on Mac. My project made use of openvidu-library-angular stream.component. It worked fine when I manually add the newly built local package openvidu-angular-2.15-0.tgz to my project folder then npm install it. However, it gave me this error when I ng serve.

ERROR in ./src/app/app.module.ngfactory.js 181:3876-3909
"export ‘OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher’ (imported as ‘i63’) was not found in '@angular/cdk/overlay’

I checked for OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher in both my project and the original openvidu-call file, but there was none of it. However, it seemed to be from the local openvidu-angular-2.15.0.tgz package.
In my project’s package-lock.json there is an existing @angular/cdk 9.2.4 inside openvidu-angular’s dependencies. On the other hand, in the openvidu-call file’s package-lock.json there is @angular/cdk 10.1.3. I don’t know whether the difference in version could be the issue. If so, how can I resolve this?

I would very much appreciate any help! Thanks in advance.

Hello @Katie_Le,

Could you write the steps to reproduce this problem?
I think you’re using the master branch of OpenVidu Call rigth?


Please, uses the official release of openvidu-angular. We’re daily improving the source code in each repositories. And some tutorials need some changes to make it wirk with the new updates.


Hi! Yes I’m on master, and I’ve just downloaded the openvidu-call package 3 days ago. All of the other openvidu source code I’m using are of version 2.15.0. My app runs fine with just the official openvidu-angular package installed, but not with the local tgz one. This is what I did before the problem occurred:

• Bring the code in app.component.ts/htm/css from openvidu-library-angular to my app, changing its name to stream.component and configuring it in my app.module.ts and app-routing.module.ts
• Paste the Jquery script, the global variable and Material icons font in my index.html
• Go to openvidu-call and edit some css, then build that into openvidu-angular and pack it as a local tgz file
• Move the new tgz package into my app’s folder, then install it here
• Encounter the issue when I ng serve the app on localhost

Hope these provide you with some more details! Thank you for your help:)

Yes @Katie_Le, the issue is solved and will be working on the next release. Meanwhile, please use the official release.
