Clarification Regarding Pro Pricing

Hello Team,

I have a doubt regarding the pro pricing. As I understand from, the software charge is per core of media nodes per minute. Is that charge flat or only for the time the software is being used? If the media node is having 8 cores, the cost per month would be 8*0.00071*60*24*30=$245 for a month even though there is no usage per month? Thanks in advance.

Yes, OpenVidu PRO is charged depending on the number of cores in which it is deployed.

It is charged as soon as OpenVidu PRO is “executing”. You can stop the OpenVidu PRO if you are not using it.

We are working on an update of OpenVidu PRO pricing that will be published with the new 2.12 version (to be released in two weeks).


Thanks, @micael.gallego. I have one more question. As per the example given, the master node is deployed on a c5.large AWS machine, which is Compute Optimized. Is it fine if we deploy the master node on a General Purpose machine and media nodes on Compute Optimized?

You will have to do some performance tests on your specific scenario to use the smallest possible instance.