Camera access denied error testing connection on dashboard

I am uncertain if this is the right venue to describe the problem I am having. If it is not, someone please point me to the right venue.

I have set up and am running a Docker openVidu container as a preliminary for some development work I wish to do. I was able to start a container using V2.30.0 of openVidu, and using Port 4443 I was able to start up the dashboard and log in.

The dashboard main page comes up without problems, and I can turn on the “Server Events” switch. I then click on the “Test” button to test my connection. Unfortunately, when testing the connection I am consistently getting a message that says “Camera access denied”.

The dashboard page does not appear to have anything that would give the application “permission” to access the camera. Even the usual “application is requesting access to your camera” window that you see with other video chat applications is not coming up, so I cannot provide the dashboard access to the camera (or anything else). Note: I am not seeing any server events when I test the connection.

Is there some configuration or change I need to make in order to enable camera access? Or have I found a bug in the dashboard?