Black Screen React-native

In my react native app. Video call is working fine when the app is in foreground. But If i put my app in background or screenlock, there is black screen for 5-6 seconds after I open the app.

I want to know if the black screen be fixed, or atleast detected.

Black screen is also coming for the first 3 or 4 seconds when the video connection is established.

That’s because the WebRTC connections are discovering and connecting again. It takes a little bit to handle all the connections again, that’s way the blackscreen appears.

Sadly, this is a limitation which can no be fixed easily, because the app is connecting to all the streams again.

I suppose that this is a react native error which put the app to “sleep”. I don’t know much about React Native, but there should be an API to keep your app running while in background or something to avoid this issue.

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