As we are using Audio calling can we get an audio file into audio formats

As we are using Audio calling can we get an audio file into audio formats

Suppose we start recording as we are getting Webm file while extracting the audio from the WebM file the data size getting vastly increased to 10 times its original size. Due to the bit rate is very high.


What are you exactly asking for? How to record audio streams in the server in other format than WEBM? Because that’s not currently possible. Both INDIVIDUAL and COMPOSED audio-only reocrdings will store the audio streams in webm format.

Can we customize that when only recording option enable to store the file in wav or flac format

Hi, no it is not currently possible to choose a different format for the recorded files. But if you want to do so to use less disk space, let me tell you that webm format doesn’t necessarily mean larger file sizes (

As an approximation, a 3 minutes file may be 1.5MB~3MB in size.