Is it possible to change the file extension for recording audio-only?


After deploying openvidu on AWS and following some great guides, I’m getting a bit of a feel for it.

Currently, we are working on converting the audio to text by uploading the audio up to the point where it ends when a specific user’s speech is detected.

After setting the video option of RecordingProperties to false and the audio option to true, I noticed that the video was uploaded with the webm extension when the recording was completed.

But I need audio with wav extension, not webm extension, can you help me solve this?

To convert a webm file to a wav file you have to use a convertion tool.

Take a look here: python - Coverting webm to wav with ffmpeg - Stack Overflow

Is there a way to change the file extension when saving for the first time?
If not, is there any way to manipulate it using the Recorder object of

You should to transcode the file after being created.