2 stream in 1 session causing duplicate video for each stream

Hai, I am developing a recording app with openvidu. So it will open camera and screen to the same session and then record the session.

As you can see in the image above when desktop stream join the session it causes the event sessionCreated of webcam stream executed.

this is the result of the recording and this is what i expected (no duplicate for each stream)

below is my code


const start_btn = document.getElementById('start-record')
const stop_btn = document.getElementById('stop-record')
const token_webcam_btn = document.getElementById('token-webcam-btn')
const token_desktop_btn = document.getElementById('token-desktop-btn')

let OVWebcam = new OpenVidu()
let OVDesktop = new OpenVidu()
let sessionWebcam, sessionDesktop

let publisherWebcam, publisherDesktop

let forceRecordId

token_webcam_btn.onclick = ()=> {

  getToken(function() {

		console.log('get token callback webcam')

		sessionWebcam = OVWebcam.initSession();

		sessionWebcam.on('connectionCreated', event => {
			console.log('connectionCreated webcam')

		sessionWebcam.on('streamCreated', event => {
			console.log('streamCreated webcam')

			const subscriberWebcam = sessionWebcam.subscribe(event.stream, 'video-container');

			subscriberWebcam.on('videoElementCreated', event => {
				console.log('videoElementCreated webcam')

			subscriberWebcam.on('streamPlaying', event => {
				console.log('streamPlaying webcam')

			.then(() => {
				console.log('connecting webcam')

				publisherWebcam = OVWebcam.initPublisher('video-container', {
					audioSource: undefined,
					videoSource: undefined,
					publishAudio: true,
					publishVideo: true,
					resolution: '640x480',
					frameRate: 30,
					insertMode: 'APPEND',
					mirror: false

				publisherWebcam.on('streamCreated', event => {
					console.log('streamCreated webcam')

				publisherWebcam.on('videoElementCreated', event => {
					console.log('videoElementCreated webcam')

				publisherWebcam.on('streamPlaying', event => {
					console.log('streamPlaying webcam')


				// token_desktop_btn.click()

			.catch(error => {
				console.warn('There was an error connecting to the session:', error.code, error.message);

		return false;
	}, 'test123');


token_desktop_btn.onclick = ()=> {

	getToken(function() {

		console.log('get token callback desktop')

		sessionDesktop = OVDesktop.initSession();

		sessionDesktop.on('connectionCreated', event => {
			console.log('connectionCreated desktop')

		sessionDesktop.on('streamCreated', event => {
			console.log('streamCreated desktop')

			const subscriberDesktop = sessionDesktop.subscribe(event.stream, 'video-container');

			subscriberDesktop.on('videoElementCreated', event => {
				console.log('videoElementCreated desktop')

			subscriberDesktop.on('videoElementDestroyed', event => {
				console.log('videoElementDestroyed desktop')

			subscriberDesktop.on('streamPlaying', event => {
				console.log('streamPlaying desktop')

			.then(() => {
				console.log('connecting desktop')

				publisherDesktop = OVDesktop.initPublisher('video-container2', {
					audioSource: undefined,
					videoSource: 'screen',
					publishAudio: true,
					publishVideo: true,
					resolution: '640x480',
					frameRate: 30,
					insertMode: 'APPEND',
					mirror: false

				publisherDesktop.on('streamCreated', event => {
					console.log('streamCreated desktop')

				publisherDesktop.on('videoElementCreated', event => {
					console.log('videoElementCreated desktop')

				publisherDesktop.on('streamPlaying', event => {
					console.log('streamPlaying desktop')

			.catch(error => {
				console.warn('There was an error connecting to the session:', error.code, error.message);

		return false;
	}, 'test123');


start_btn.onclick = ()=> {
			session: sessionDesktop.sessionId
		'start recording gone WRONG',
		res => {
			forceRecordId = res.id

stop_btn.onclick = ()=> {
			recording: forceRecordId
		'stop recording gone WRONG',
		res => {

function getToken(callback, deviceToken) {
  const sessionName = deviceToken

      sessionName: sessionName
    res=> {
      token = res[0]
      console.log('token geted ', token)

function httpReq(method, URL, body, errorMsg, callback) {
  const config = {
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: JSON.stringify(body)
  fetch(URL, config)
  .then(res=> res.json() )
	.then(data=> callback(data))
  .catch(err=> console.error({ error: err, errorMsg }))

thx anyway for the help

What exactly is happening that you don’t want to happen?

what happened to me is, the client rendering 2 video for each stream. It should be 1 video for each stream.

here is the view:

here is the recording result:

I think the error is occurs in client-side which is it rendering 2 video for each stream instead of only 1.

There is really no error. You manage the client side the way you want. What I think is happening to you is that you are not discriminating the published video of each remote participant. You are publishing two different videos (webcam and screen) in the same browser tab with two different connections. You must be careful and NOT subscibe to the remote videos on streamCreated event, or you will be receiving the remote video of the webcam (in the screen participant) and the remote video of the screen (in the webcam participant). Both participants are in reality the same final user, publishing from the same tab, so you don’t need to subscribe to the remote streams.