Screen share ended event

I want to know when the client stopped screen sharing. I tried the code sample on documents page but did not work. It shares my screen but also opens my webcam and inactive event never runs even I click the stop button on my browser. Here is my code.

function joinSessionScreen() {
	getToken((token) => {

		// --- 1) Get an OpenVidu object ---

		OV = new OpenVidu();

		// --- 2) Init a session ---

		session = OV.initSession();

		// --- 3) Specify the actions when events take place in the session ---

		// On every new Stream received...
		session.on('streamCreated', (event) => {

			// Subscribe to the Stream to receive it
			// HTML video will be appended to element with 'video-container' id
			var subscriber = session.subscribe(, 'video-container');

			// When the HTML video has been appended to DOM...
			subscriber.on('videoElementCreated', (event) => {

				// Add a new HTML element for the user's name and nickname over its video

		session.on('streamDestroyed', (event) => {
			// Delete the HTML element with the user's name and nickname
			console.log("// The user clicked stop 2.");

		session.on('mediaStopped', (event) => {
			// Delete the HTML element with the user's name and nickname
			console.log("// The user clicked stop 2.");

		// --- 4) Connect to the session passing the retrieved token and some more data from
		//        the client (in this case a JSON with the nickname chosen by the user) ---
		var nickName = $("#nickName").val();
		session.connect(token, { clientData: nickName })
			.then(() => {

				// --- 5) Set page layout for active call ---

				var userName = $("#user").val();

				// Here we check somehow if the user has 'PUBLISHER' role before
				// trying to publish its stream. Even if someone modified the client's code and
				// published the stream, it wouldn't work if the token sent in Session.connect
				// method is not recognized as 'PUBLIHSER' role by OpenVidu Server
				if (isPublisher(userName)) {

					// --- 6) Get your own screen stream ---

					var publisher = OV.initPublisherAsync({
					    videoSource: "screen"
					}).then(publisher => {'inactive', () => {
					        console.log('User pressed the "Stop sharing" button');
					        // You can send a signal with Session.signal method to warn other participants

					// --- 7) Specify the actions when events take place in our publisher ---

					// When our HTML video has been added to DOM...
					publisher.on('videoElementCreated', (event) => {
						// Init the main video with ours and append our data
						var userData = {
							nickName: nickName,
							userName: userName
						//initMainVideo(event.element, userData);
						appendUserData(event.element, userData);
						$(event.element).prop('muted', true); // Mute local video

					publisher.on('mediaStopped', function(event) {
					  console.log("// The user clicked stop 1.");

					// --- 8) Publish your stream ---


				} else {
					console.warn('You don\'t have permissions to publish');
					initMainVideoThumbnail(); // Show SUBSCRIBER message in main video
			.catch(error => {
				console.warn('There was an error connecting to the session:', error.code, error.message);

	return false;

Can you tell me what am I doing wrong? Thanks.

Could you please, try with this:[0].addEventListener('ended', () => {
        console.log('User pressed the "Stop sharing" button');

Thank you @CSantosM,

ended event is working. but I want client to share both screen and webcam stream. There is a button on my demo page called share screen. When user clicks on it, it starts screen share with an extra webcam stream. How can I do it without an extra webcam stream? Also, client’s screen does not exist on other network devices.

I’m really stuck here and need your help. Thank you.

What you mean by “extra webcam stream”?

You can share webcam and screenshare at the same time but you need to use two OpenVidu instances and simulate two users. It is in our roadmap to allow sending two streams in the same OpenVidu user.

I tried to stream with same OV and session instance. I created seperated instances and now I can publish both of them. Thanks.