What is the reason of "Timeout reached when creating subscriber" error?

Hi, sometimes I’m viewing the following error in openvidu-server logs:

PARTICIPANT con_G4jR6fKMpv: Error subscribing to con_JwSJWtKmK6\n","stream":"s 92275 tdout","time":"2022-01-01T07:38:07.134404301Z"} 92276 {"log":"io.openvidu.client.OpenViduException: Timeout reached when creating subscriber endpoint. Code: 303\n","st 92276 ream":"stdout","time":"2022-01-01T07:38:07.134486094Z"}

I can’t understand what is the cause of this error. Could you please provide some more info so I will be able to trace the root of the problem?
By the way we are using openvidu react-native library on the client side.

This looks like an exception from the client side. Dou you have the log of OpenVidu Server?

thanks @cruizba, that was part of the openvidu server log. here is the more complete log for one specific connection:

[INFO] 2022-01-05 11:50:52,597 [SessionHandler-jchcv5q9g4il81hd3nsdqcfbfd-e37174-t0] io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoParticipant - PARTICIPANT con_QedRAPdk7i: Request to receive media from con_EGXQyrmhMM in room 1641383367846220
[INFO] 2022-01-05 11:50:52,603 [SessionHandler-2ujh73o90tsvkanfu9dils1jpe-e35274-t0] io.openvidu.server.rpc.RpcHandler - Participant con_Bsbe6vYhRA is calling method 'receiveVideoFrom' in session 1641382688951090
[INFO] 2022-01-05 11:50:53,557 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.config.HttpHandshakeInterceptor - New HttpSession 63B8FEA7F695475D7401F2A86FD2878A
[INFO] 2022-01-05 11:50:53,561 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.rest.SessionRestController - REST API: DELETE /openvidu/api/sessions/1641383367846220/connection/con_QedRAPdk7i
[INFO] 2022-01-05 11:50:53,561 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoSessionManager - Request [LEAVE_ROOM] for participant con_QedRAPdk7i of session 1641383367846220 with reason forceDisconnectByServer
[INFO] 2022-01-05 11:50:53,561 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoSession - PARTICIPANT con_QedRAPdk7i: Leaving session 1641383367846220
[INFO] 2022-01-05 11:50:53,561 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoParticipant - PARTICIPANT RECORDER: cancel receiving media from con_QedRAPdk7i
[WARN] 2022-01-05 11:50:53,561 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoParticipant - PARTICIPANT RECORDER: Trying to cancel receiving video from user con_QedRAPdk7i. But there is no such subscriber endpoint.
[INFO] 2022-01-05 11:50:53,561 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoParticipant - PARTICIPANT con_PheF7pNIdL: cancel receiving media from con_QedRAPdk7i
[WARN] 2022-01-05 11:50:53,561 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoParticipant - PARTICIPANT con_PheF7pNIdL: Trying to cancel receiving video from user con_QedRAPdk7i. But there is no such subscriber endpoint.
[INFO] 2022-01-05 11:50:53,561 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoParticipant - PARTICIPANT con_EGXQyrmhMM: cancel receiving media from con_QedRAPdk7i
[WARN] 2022-01-05 11:50:53,561 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoParticipant - PARTICIPANT con_EGXQyrmhMM: Trying to cancel receiving video from user con_QedRAPdk7i. But there is no such subscriber endpoint.
[ERROR] 2022-01-05 11:50:53,561 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.cdr.CallDetailRecord - No subscriptions map in CDR for session participant con_QedRAPdk7i
[INFO] 2022-01-05 11:50:53,561 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.coturn.CoturnCredentia

Is this error impacting your app? There could be sometimes some errors when a user tries to live a session and an operation of subscribing/publishing started before the user previous user leaves it. It is expected behaviour sometimes.

For example imagine that someone leaves a session at the same time you enter it. Then this user will not be able to subscribe to the recently leaved user. If this is not impacting your app, maybe this is the reason of Error subscribing to con_JwSJWtKmK6. May I be wrong? @pabloFuente @micael.gallego

I think you are right. I’m checking the log and this error appears whenever the user has left the session. Some times our client’s subscribe and publish actions takes too much time to complete. I was suspect that maybe the reason of that long actions is the errors I sent above.