I was formerly using Apache to host a site on the same system that OpenVidu is running and all I had to do was update some configuration files to use port 5442 and I was able to access the site without the port number in the URL
Now, I am using Node.js and I have it configured to use the certification files from the directory /opt/openvidu/certificates
, but I have only been able to access the site if the port number is 4443 and I have to use the port number in the URL. How can I configure Node.js so I can access the site without the port number in the URL as Apache?
Below is an example a server.js file I was able to get working on 4443
1 const fs = require('fs');
2 const https = require('https');
4 const PORT = 4443;
5 const CERT_PATH = "/opt/openvidu/certificates/";
6 const certOptions = {
7 key: fs.readFileSync(CERT_PATH + 'live/openvidu.example.com/privkey.pem'),
8 cert: fs.readFileSync(CERT_PATH + 'live/openvidu.example.com/cert.pem'),
9 };
10 const httpsServer = https.createServer(certOptions, function(req, res){
11 res.writeHead(200);
12 res.end("hello");
13 });
14 httpsServer.listen(PORT);