Unable to relay over Microsoft Direct Access

Hi everybody,

Does anybody already has a working coturn configuration with Microsoft Direct Access ? I’m currently running a coTurn server with permission to relay audio and video flux through authentication and this relay is working perfectly but not when client are connected over Direct Access.

Negotiation on port 3478 seems good, but client is forced to use relay mode. Negotiation seems to return usable port on the turn server itself, but because this negotiation return IP addresses of the turn server, Direct Access is unable to transmit IPv4 while everything must use domain name.

Is there any tweak to let coturn returning domain name in reply instead of IP addresses, especially for itself?

Hello @obitwo,

We don’t have any experience with Microsoft Direct Access. In any case, as this problem is related mainly with coturn and the browser, you should consult its documentation.

Thanks for your reply. I was wondering if there is some fallback way (a bit like Jitsi with port udp 10000 and 4443 tcp) to let client to transmit video and audio flow.

OpenVidu uses Kurento Media Server and coturn under the hood. Kurento Media Server behaves like a browser, and coturn is the turn server configured in Kurento and in the browser. Networkin issues are solved using turn relay.