TURN error after initial tests (On-premises CE 2.16.0 install)

Test STUN/TURN deployment:

  1. First create an user to test your turn server. Execute this in your deployment:
 docker exec -it openvidu_coturn_1 turnadmin -a -u testuser -p testuser -r openvidu --redis-userdb 'ip= dbname=0 password=<OPENVIDU_SECRET> connect_timeout=30'

Replace <OPENVIDU_SECRET> with your OpenVidu Secret.

  1. Open Firefox and TrickleICE WebPage.

  2. Enter this:
    Where <YOUR_DOMAIN> is the domain of your deployment.

  3. If everything is ok, it should return something like this:

    See that we have relay and srlfx candidates.

  4. After that, delete the test user in your deployment:

docker exec -it openvidu_coturn_1 turnadmin -d -u testuser -r openvidu --redis-userdb 'ip= dbname=0 password=<OPENVIDU_SECRET> connect_timeout=30'

Replace <OPENVIDU_SECRET> with your OpenVidu Secret.

I hope this helps,
