Switch to back camera


I am following the documentation https://docs.openvidu.io/en/2.16.0/advanced-features/switch-camera/.
I do have some confusions here.

  1. Which file the documented code can be put (angular)?
  2. What is the difference between session and this.session and how can get the values?
  3. Im trying to implement in toolbar.compnent.ts file for which I am calling this function from the toolbar switch camera button.

This is pretty much what I am trying to do as I do not have session variables in the toolbar ts file.

switchCamera() {
let OV = new OpenVidu();
getDevices().then(devices => {
// Getting only the video devices
videoDevices = devices.filter(device => device.kind === ‘videoinput’);

    if (videoDevices && videoDevices.length > 1){

        // Creating a new publisher with specific videoSource
        // In mobile devices the default and first camera is the front one
         newPublisher = OV.initPublisher('html-element-id', {
            videoSource: isFrontCamera ? videoDevices[0].deviceId :videoDevices[1].deviceId,
            publishAudio: true,
            publishVideo: true,
            mirror: isFrontCamera // Setting mirror enable if front camera is selected

        isFrontCamera = !isFrontCamera;

      if (!this.publisher ){

this.publisher = this.localUsersService.getWebcamPublisher();


        this.publisher = newPublisher




This code can switch the camera from front and back. But it is showing the video only to remote user. The person who is streaming can not see the video.

Which video?