I am deploying openvidu on premises on a Raspberry Pi 4B, but it fail when I start openvidu, I get this error:
Creating openvidu_kms_1 … done
Attaching to openvidu_openvidu-server_1
openvidu-server_1 | standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused “exec format error”
openvidu-server_1 | standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused “exec format error”
openvidu-server_1 | standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused “exec format error”
openvidu_openvidu-server_1 exited with code 1
Can someone help me ?
I think it is because Docker Compose is installed using python, here is the tutorial I followed : https://devdojo.com/bobbyiliev/how-to-install-docker-and-docker-compose-on-raspberry-pi
Or maybe openvidu do not support arm ?
Do you know how many time it would take to make openvidu support arm ?
Hi Raphael,
I’m afraid I cannot really help you. We’ve never tried running OpenVidu in Raspberry Pi. There could be a lot going on. In theory OpenVidu should work fine in any modern Linux distribution supporting a modern version of docker and docker-compose, but this corner cases can introduce not very well-known problems.
Besides that, be aware that OpenVidu needs a minimum set of requirements that Raspberries may not fulfil.
If you are able to advance this task, please keep us informed!
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Looks like the Raspberry Pi CPU is on ARM v8 architecture and the docker containers are built on x86/x64.
You can try rebuilding with this tool:
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Thank you very much for your replies, I am going to try to make openvidu work on RPI, I will send a message if I have news