Set GARBAGE_INTERVAL on 2.12 version

Hello everyone,

Since version 2.13 has introduced the parameter “OPENVIDU_SESSIONS_GARBAGE_INTERVAL”.

Someone knows if possible set the garbage collector interval on version 2.12 of OpenVidu?


We recommend using recent versions to get the full potential of OpenVidu.


i trying use the latest version, but the custom layout is not working for me:

Can you try with 2.18 version if it works as expected? It will help us to narrow the issue related with custom layouts.

I will test!

Thank you for your answer :slight_smile:

I tried with version 2.19, 2.18, and 2.17. Same error.

But, i did a workaround based on reply of @pabloFuente in this issue:

I set the variable with this config:


And on host OpenVidu server 2.19, i configured a Apache to serve the custom layout.

Now, recording with OpenVidu 2.19 is running fine.