Receiving Unhandled Rejection Error

Hi Micael

While using the application, we get an error sometimes

Unhandled Rejection(Invalid State Error), Failed to execute ‘send’ on ‘websocket’ . Still in CONNECTING STATE.

while we were using the app, the video got frozen and this error message seems to keep reflecting our browser.

can u help investigate how to fix this instability

What application are you using? Do you have the same issue with OpenVidu Call or any official tutorial?

Can you describe where you have this error? When a session is already established and the video is flowing? It seems a network disconnection. It is possible? What is the frequency where this error is produced?

Best regards

this issue occurred when the session is already established. And out of where it just got disconnected with this code.

Can you share OpenVidu server logs and browser console when the issue appears?

Do you have any way to replicate it? It occurs frequently?