Problem with owncert setup

Hello, I am trying to install development server on my computer using docker image. I want my development http server to send REST requests to this docker openvidu instance. I have certificate.key and certificate.cert issued by letsencrypt and I have set my domain A record to, so that when I visit my domain it actually shows content from my localhost development server.
I’ve followed official documentation steps for deployment using custom certificates.

  1. I’ve set environment variable CERTIFICATE_TYPE=owncert
  2. I’ve added -v /path/to/mycertificate-files:/opt/openvidu/owncert to my
    docker run command. I can verify that /opt/openvidu/owncert/
    contains my certificate.key and certificate.cert files.

However, my browser still shows warning that certificate is self signed.
I’m using docker image openvidu/openvidu-server-kms:2.16.0

I can accept this self signed certificate in my browser, but my server app refuses to communicate with openvidu server using https protocol.

How can I make my docker instance of openvidu to use given certificate and key?

PS: I can’t use directly letsencrypt because it won’t be able to find my fully qualified domain at address

Image openvidu/openvidu-server-kms:2.16.0 doesn’t allow to update the certificate in an easy way. Self-signed certificate is included in the openvidu-server.jar.

You can recreate the image from source with your certificate or deploy a production server in a VM.

Best regards

Thanks for the clarification. I’ve solved my problem in rust creating client which accepts self-signed certificates.

Perhaps documentation should point this out.

Thank you for suggestion @Vitalije_Milosevic