OpenVidu-ionic iOS app certificate


I followed your tutorials of openvidu-ionic in an iOS device with native app and successfully built the app. I used my own certificate and mobileprovision file. When I press Join,there is a notification that the app can’t connect to openvidu server due to certificate problem. So if I wanna use OpenViduIonic iOS app, do I have to use the certificate you provided?

Thank you

You have to use a valid certificate. We do not provide valid certificates. You have to buy one or generate it using lets encrypt.


Hi, it seems like I came up with network problem and I have fixed it.
But I come up with empty screen after pressing Join botton.

What should I do to fix this?Do I have to give permission to camera or sth like that?

Thank you.

Here is the log in Xcode after I click ‘Join’:

2020-08-12 13:57:05.682833+0800 OpenVidu Ionic[585:106948] {“id”:“wss://”,“session”:“SessionA”,“role”:“PUBLISHER”,“data”:"",“token”:“wss://”}

2020-08-12 13:57:05.683143+0800 OpenVidu Ionic[585:106948] There was an error connecting to the session: Browser Safari (version 8+) for iOS is not supported in OpenVidu

And I can open with Safari on iPhone, but it takes a lot of time.
Also, I upgrade to openvidu-browser@2.15.1-alpha2 with command ‘sudo cnpm install -g openvidu-browser@2.15.1-alpha2’ but still come up with the same problem.

Use the latest version of openvidu-browser 2.15.1-alpha2 and try again


I upgrade to openvidu-browser@2.15.1-alpha2 with command ‘sudo cnpm install -g openvidu-browser@2.15.1-alpha2’ , but still come up with the same problem.

How can I check the version of my openvidu-browser?

Thank you.

In the package.json file of the ionic project

OK, I checked it and it’s 2.15.0

How to install 2.15.1-alpha2 properly? Thank you.

npm i openvidu-browser@2.15.1-alpha2

I have successfully installed openvidu-browser@2.15.1-alpha2 and it shows in package.json. But the log info still came up like this

2020-08-12 16:52:38.066061+0800 OpenVidu Ionic[685:152266] The preference key “AutoHideSplashScreen” is not defined and will default to "TRUE"

2020-08-12 16:52:47.705098+0800 OpenVidu Ionic[685:152266] {“id”:“wss://”,“session”:“SessionA”,“role”:“PUBLISHER”,“data”:"",“token”:“wss://”}

2020-08-12 16:52:47.705443+0800 OpenVidu Ionic[685:152266] There was an error connecting to the session: Browser Safari (version 8+) for iOS is not supported in OpenVidu

Thank you for your kind help

You should something cached because the official openvidu-ionic tutorial is working fine on iOS and Android.

Check it out and start a fresh install


I did a fresh install but new problem came up:

2020-08-12 21:30:45.207091+0800 OpenVidu Ionic[824:180333] ERROR: Start Page at ‘www/index.html’ was not found.

2020-08-12 21:30:45.288242+0800 OpenVidu Ionic[824:180333] ERROR Internal navigation rejected - not set for url='about:blank’

and the app stuck at this frame:

Seems like the app can’t find the starting page.

Thank you

Sorry but im working on this tutorial right now and everything is ok.

You need some basic knowledge of Angular and ionic to make it works, i only can help you with bugs related with openvidu and its tutorial.

Read the docs again, reclone the project and follow the steps carefully.