OpenVidu - Flutter (Like RN SDK) package

We are using the RN sdk, but we are moving to Flutter with our mobile App.
Is there a plan in the near future to build one (not the one that is an implementation example of flutter_RTC but a complete one like the version for RN).

Flutter is becoming a more and more popular mobile platform.


Hello @Israel_Weisman,

There are some demo projects out there with a Flutter implementation of an OpenVidu app:

GitHub - cyb3rcod3/flutter-openvidu-demo: Simple flutter mobile app that connects to openVidu server an make a VideoCall with WebRTC protocol..

If you miss something in the demo project you can fork it and contribute to it.

We do not have experience with Flutter, so it is not in our short term roadmap to create an official OpenVidu Flutter tutorial.


Thanks Micael.
I worked on the open-sourced version it is a good start, but it is too premature, comparing to OpenVidu RN SDK.
Flutter is BOOMING these days among web and mobile developers, I am interested in contributing, but at the same time can’t put all my time into it, if there is a group that we can form to built the first version, I’m into it.

Maybe someone reading this post is interested in creating the Flutter SDK with you.

I created a Flutter application using openvidu engine but didn’t call pc.onTrack or pc.onAddStream in Flutter web, just local stream, in android is ok and I get local stream and remote stream,

This weekend I put effort into migrating openvidu-android to flutter, also added some improvements. This is the code: GitHub - galanblancom/openvidu-flutter: Migration of the to Flutter


Hi @galanblancom

Thank you so much for the contribution to OpenVidu creating this amazing tutorial for Flutter.

We will find a time to try it out :slight_smile:

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This is the flutter dependency:

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Hi, does this works with OV Enterprise mediasoup too ?