networkDisconnect error

Openvidu error message :
[jsonrpcTaskScheduler-1] io.openvidu.server.rpc.RpcNotificationService - No rpc session found for private id ac27s86k3i049351ra9g56n0qo, unable to send notification participantEvicted: {“connectionId”:“con_JtpekyPHfl”,“reason”:“networkDisconnect”}

Why am I getting an error?
Is it because the network is unstable?
There are 2 people who logged in, but the symptom is that my camera screen appears a lot.

This message is telling that openvidu-server wasn’t able to send a notification to participant con_JtpekyPHfl because it unexpectedly disconnected. Probably because of network instability on the client side.

When a networkDisconnect error occurs, do you receive an event message? I would like to ask if it is possible to receive and process it.