Multiple IP for Media Master Node and Media Servers

We have a setup where the Openvidu pro server and the media servers can be accessed via internet and also via a leased line through a specific IP. We would want the clients who can access via the specific IP to be able to connect through the leased line and the clients who cannot access the server via the leased line to connect to these servers via internet. In my limited knowledge, we may be able to achieve this if we add ICE Candidates for both the public IP and the private leased line IP for negotiation and depending on the access control, the users will be able to connect accordingly. If that is the case, can you please let me know how we can configure OpenVidu 2.14.0 Pro server to be able to accommodate this.

We haven’t tried this setup, so we don’t know if it is going to work as expected.

OpenVidu is implemented considering only a public IP or domain. So clients will try to connect to OpenVidu Server using that public IP or domain.

If you are able to configure DNS to those clients connected with leased line to resolve DNS domain with private leased line IP, then it is possible to have it working.
