Hello all,
I am trying to run openvidu-js-java tutorial on OpenVidu CE installed on AWS.
I deployed version 2.14 using CloudFormation.
It is installed on my domain with letsencrypt certs.
Tested that default Call application works on several devices.
After that I did the following:
- Deployed openvidu-js-java according to the instructions provided in that tutorial
- Removed Call application by deleting docker-compose.override.yml file
- Updated application.properties of the tutorial app as follows:
server.port: 5442
server.ssl.enabled: false
server.ssl.key-store: classpath:openvidu-selfsigned.jks
server.ssl.key-store-password: openvidu
server.ssl.key-store-type: JKS
server.ssl.key-alias: openvidu-selfsigned
openvidu.url: http://localhost:5443/
openvidu.secret: mysecrethere
The app starts ok on my domain and I can see login form and enter default credentials.
But when I try to login nothing happens and I see in browser console the following error:
app.js:192 POST https_link_to_my_domain_here/api-login/login 404
app.js:204 {“timestamp”:“2020-06-10T16:40:27.155+0000”,“status”:404,“error”:“Not Found”,“message”:“No message available”,“path”:"/api-login/login"}
Nothing happens in the app log, no errors, and I suppose this request doesn’t reach the app because of incorrect configuration
If I try to reach this url from the browser address bar I see the following:
ERROR: unknown URL https_link_to_my_domain_here/api-login/login
OpenVidu Server does not have path /api-login/login
If you are seeing this message as a result of COMPOSED recording, the problem is most likely an issue with the recording URL.
Current recording URL is https_link_to_my_domain_here
The recording service cannot access the recording layout through this URL.
Use OpenVidu configuration property OPENVIDU_RECORDING_COMPOSED_URL
to provide a valid URL for the recording service to connect to.
What else should I update in config files to make it work?
Thanks in advance