How many partcipants can join in video streaming meeting or audio meeting

Do openvidu having restrictions to join participants in a session.

Upto 22 participants if is working fine but after 23rd participant getting token issue this may due to openvidu server does’nt accepting the 23rd person.

As we are using 2.16v. if so what should we do to improve the number from 25-30 participants

There is no restrictions in OpenVidu. What is your CPU load when the last user can connect? It could be because of a lot of CPU usage.

Also it could be a browser side problem, it seems like more than 22 videos rendering in browsers takes a lot of CPU.

So please, can you share with us your CPU load when the system start failing?


We are getting 65%-70% CPU load when people joining.

we are using C5 2x large there is any possiblity of increaseing cpu capacity will make our participants number increase

In your sessions, are you displaying all videos in the browsers?

If so, can you also get the CPU of one of the browsers?

no,only host dispalying video rest in audio mode only

Can you test with a greater instance to see if the same behavior persists?


More questions:
Where you’re getting the error when failed participant join? What is the error in the browser side and server side?


We are getting token generation error in the server side

Can you share logs? It would be helpful
