I notice that I install the ssl certificate in apache https: // mydomain correctly, but when I try to enter https: // mydomain: 4443, it tells me site not safe.
i deploy openvidu-docker-compose to test the beta on ubuntu 18 everythinks work fine
i set everythings on .env file before do ./openvidu start https://mydomain.com works fine , i can enter room and start video https://mydomain.com/dashboard/ works fine
but this 2 url not working https://mydomain.com/api/ https://mydomain.com/openvidu/
here is the error
# ERROR: unknown URL https://mydomain.com/openvidu/
## OpenVidu Server does not have path `/openvidu/ ` mapped
If you are seeing this message as a result of COMPOSED recording, the problem is most likely an issue with the recording URL.
Current recording URL is **https://mydomain/openvidu/**
The recording service cannot access the recording layout through this URL.
Use OpenVidu configuration property **`OPENVIDU_RECORDING_COMPOSED_URL`** to provide a valid URL for the recording service to connect to.
i search for this OPENVIDU_RECORDING_COMPOSED_URL on .env cannot find it , so ho to define it ?
and one more thing on error show this OPENVIDU_RECORDING_COMPOSED_URL
but in github you mention this ```
my intention is not to migrate from version, my desire is to be able to configure version 2.11.0 with ssl certificate in ubuntu, it could indicate which is the best way. In my production environment it works perfectly because it is on Amazon AWS servers.
I want to configure a testin or development environment outside of amazon and I cannot because it has been impossible to configure ssl.
What I could see in my failure is that the domain: https://mydomain.com works correctly because the server is apache.
When I use https://mydomain.com:4443 it no longer works, I think I understand that the failure originates because it is another server (nginx) or Kurento, the truth is that everything seems like a black box and specifically about this problem I don’t see specific documentation for ssl.
will have an idea of how to solve it without migrating to the latest version
Browser is connected to openvidu-server using WebSockets. OpenVidu-server is implemented as a Java application. Then, to configure SSL in this server you can configure the certificate in openvidu-server Java application or configure an NGINX proxy in front of it.