Hello World failing on Mac

I am just getting started with OpenVidu, and trying to run Hello World. I’m running the OpenVidu deployment, the application server, and the client HelloWorld app all on my local mac. I am running the node.js application server. (All as described here Hello World - OpenVidu Docs)

The OpenVidu deployment seems to work, successfully testing on the dashboard.

However, the when I try to connect to sessionA on localhost:8080 (on Chrome), nothing happens. The log has errors on connecting to wss: "WebSocket connection to ‘wss://localhost:4443/openvidu?sessionId=SessionA&reconnect=true’ failed: "

Which perhaps makes sense because it should be using ws instead wss.

Any ideas on how to fix it?


Tutorials are prepared to run on localhost by default, which is the only domain that allows WebRTC to run on plain HTTP (without SSL). And the development Docker container runs by default with plain HTTP:

docker run -p 4443:4443 --rm -e OPENVIDU_SECRET=MY_SECRET openvidu/openvidu-dev:2.23.0

You should get an output log like this when running openvidu/openvidu-dev Docker container:


   OpenVidu is ready!

   * OpenVidu Server URL: http://localhost:4443/

   * OpenVidu Dashboard: http://localhost:4443/dashboard


Make sure you are running the Hello World tutorial on the latest 2.23.0 version, and connect to it though http://localhost:PORT (not HTTPS). The websocket connection should of course be through ws://.

Success! Turns out I was using the 2.22.0 tutorial. Thank you