Getting error of screen share is not support in chrome latest version(84)

hi openvidu team, I’m currently using Chrome Version 84.0.4147.125 (Official Build) (64-bit), but still getting error of “browser doesn’t support screen share”, how can I fix this. thank you.

Are you using Google Chrome in desktop and getting this error?

hi @micael.gallego, yes, I’m using it on desktop. first, I tried with normal window got the same error so again I tried with incognito but still got the same

Have you tested to screen share with

It is working for me in ubuntu, windows and mac.

yes sometimes it’s working and sometimes it’s showing an error of as I have shown, i’m using ubuntu 20.04 and latest version of chrome, and its written in angular right? let me explain what i had done to get screen share.

  1. i went to openvidu github link and cloned openvidu project from

  2. i used

  3. i copied same app.js and renamed it to screen.js

  4. in screen.js i had changed code as below

     var OV;
     var session;
     var screenpublisher;
     var sessionName;	// Name of the video session the user will connect to
     var token;			// Token retrieved from OpenVidu Server 
     var screenaudioEnabled = false;	// True if the audio track of screenpublisher is active
     var screenvideoEnabled = true;	// True if the video track of screenpublisher is active

    screenpublisher = OV.initPublisher('screen-container', { audioSource: undefined, // The source of audio. If undefined default microphone videoSource: 'screen', // The source of video. If undefined default webcam publishAudio: false, // Whether you want to start publishing with your audio unmuted or not publishVideo: true, // Whether you want to start publishing with your video enabled or not resolution: '320x240', // The resolution of your video frameRate: 24, // The frame rate of your video insertMode: 'APPEND', // How the video is inserted in the target element 'video-container' mirror: false // Whether to mirror your local video or not });