Failed to execute ‘addTransceiver’ on RTCPeerConnection

Getting some new error.

What we get:

DP create offer error: {“stack”:"Error: Failed to execute ‘addTransceiver’ on ‘RTCPeerConnection’: This operation is only supported in ‘unified-plan’. ‘unified-plan’ will become the default behavior in the future, but it is currently exper…

Information about user:

Browser Chrome Mobile 70.0.3538
Device Huawei DUA-L22
Android 8.1.0

More info about issue:

Any ideas about it? Thank you!

What is the OpenVidu version you are using?

Do you get the same error in other browsers?

If you are using OpenVidu 2.18.0, a call to addTransceivers API should never take place if the method is NOT available in the device Web API stack. You can see that right here: branch for devices supporting Unified Plan and branch for devices supporintg only deprecated Plan B.
Whatever the case, using a 3-year-old browser version is not a good idea. Chrome is on version 91 nowadays.

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What is the OpenVidu version you are using?

OpenVidu 2.18.0

Do you get the same error in other browsers?

No, it appears for the first time

Yes, we have latest OpenVidu 2.18.0 on server and browser side. This is definetaly an old browser issue and happens for the very first time. Thanks for Sentry tracking we were able to catch it. Thanks for clearing that up!