Error setting min/max bandwidth for endpoint

Hi folks! Today i have some issues with openvidu server. In the log i can see this:

io.openvidu.server.kurento.endpoint.SubscriberEndpoint - Error setting min video send bandwidth for endpoint
JsonJsonRpcClient is disconnected from WebSocket server at ‘ws://localhost:8888/kurento’

In the same time, the API stops responding and all users down (subscriber and publisher). After one or two minutes the media server respond normally, but i need to publish the stream again.

What should cause this?


Here more info about log: ^[[36mopenvidu-server_1 |^[[0m [ERROR] 2021-01-27 20:15:56,948 [AbstractJsonRpc -

OPENVIDU server 2.15.0
The publisher use Chrome latest version. 90% of subscribers use chrome too.
The server is dedicated to OpenVidu.
Deployed using odepoyment instructions page.

.env settings:


This is probably a crash in Kurento Media Server, the reason why the system drops all of its sessions is due of this crash in the Kurento Media Server. Unfortunately, crashed logs are not persisted in version 2.15.0 because docker-compose “auto restart” the container and kill the previous log, so I can’t tell you an specific reason.

I recommend you to update to 2.16.0, which fixes some possible Kurento Media Server crashes.
