Custom layout recorder not subscribing to custom signals

We are using custom layout for recording purposes which depends on various custom signals for various functions (how to layout participants, mute/unmute other participant by moderator etc).

On client side we’re using openvidu-angular (modified to suit our purposes)

So, this is what we’ve observed:

  • When we pass recorder=true in token, it doesn’t subscribe to our custom signals and no UI changes are reflected in recording
  • When we don’t pass recorder=true in token and subscribe as normal user, signals are subscribed and corresponding changes are reflected in UI. But the recordingStarted rpcSignal is not being sent and actual participants are not notified.

For now we are using another signal to notify participants, but is there any other way (in-built) that doesn’t involve us sending this signal

Participants from custom recording layouts are properly receiving the signals from the Session. Our tests confirm that both signal operations (RPC calls from openvidu-browser and REST API calls from the application server) are being successfully received and triggered by custom recording layouts.

Please make sure that your custom recording layout is using the same openvidu-browser version number as your OpenVidu deployment (and the same openvidu-browser version as your application client). Make sure you properly subscribe to the desired signal events, being particularly careful with the to and type parameters: Send text messages - OpenVidu Docs

If you still face any problem, please provide a way of replicating the issue so we can further research it.

We are using following docker image and libraries

  • Server - openvidu-dev:2.26.0
  • Lib used in client - openvidu-angular:2.26.0
  • Lib used in custom layout - openvidu-browser:2.26.0

I would like to share the relevant parts of code for custom template and recorded samples for the cases listed above to explain myself better (Can’t here as it is not allowing me to post more than 2 links).

Can we shift this discussion to mail