Change the way small videos appear on screen

Hello, guys!

I’ve been using an openvidu-call based application and it’s going great so far. However, I’d like to make some changes on the way small videos appear on the screen. Currently, when there’s one only big video and the rest ones are small, the small ones go to the right, into column view, taking up as much space as needed. What I’m trying to do is: put the small videos on the right, as it is today, but with only one column and a scrollbar to scroll the videos. I’m aware you guys are using this layout system: aullman/opentok-layout-js. I’ve been reading it too but apparently it’s not designed to scroll the videos but put them all on screen, the best way possible.

So my question is: is there a way to make these changes in the layout? Is it too much work? Do you guys recommend it or have other suggestions on how to do it?

Thanks in advance.

Hello @andrew,

Yes, openvidu call uses the opentok-layout.js. To customize the way that the videos will show you have two options:

  1. Modify the layout to fit your requirements
  2. Use another layout system or create a custom layout which allows to you have a column scrolled,
