Can we use the properties for the codecs present in SdpEndpoint.conf.json file?

There is a comment on SdpEndpoint.conf.json file which states “WARNING: Usage of properties is not yet supported” . Is it working now?

File path: /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/SdpEndpoint.conf.json

“numAudioMedias”: 1,
“numVideoMedias”: 1,
“audioCodecs”: [
“name”: “opus/48000/2”,
“//”: “Next is an example about how a codec can be configured.”,
“//”: “WARNING: Usage of properties is not yet supported”,
“//properties”: {
“//maxcodedaudiobandwidth”: “16000”,
“//maxaveragebitrate”: “20000”,
“//stereo”: “1”,
“//useinbandfec”: “1”,
“//usedtx”: “0”
{ “name”: “PCMU/8000” },
{ “name”: “AMR/8000” }
“videoCodecs”: [
{ “name”: “VP8/90000” },
{ “name”: “H264/90000” }


You can test it, but it seems it is not supported.

Thanks for the response. @micael.gallego