Automatically stream destroyed and media server disconnect

I’m continuing to work on getting OpenVidu CE in my local dev environment. I am using the latest latest version of Openvidu. I am able to connect my Publisher and Subscriber perfectly but after some regular interval (approx 10-15 minutes) stream get disconnected automatically.

When i checked the browser console i found below message

  • streamDestroyed reason “mediaServerDisconnect”
  • Event ‘streamDestroyed’ triggered by ‘Publisher’ StreamEvent

surprisingly there was no Browser Reload, no Force disconnect and no Openvidu server restart at my end…then i checked the openVidu log and found message like “Running non active sessions garbage collector” and the setting was OPENVIDU_SESSIONS_GARBAGE_INTERVAL - “900” seconds.
I tried to reduce the time from 15 mints to 2 mints and rechecked the whole scenario and found “StreamDestroyed reason mediaServerDisconnect” is happening at every 2-3 minutes.

I am not sure why it’s behaving like this despite i have 1 Publisher and 1 Subscriber [It means given session is an Active session]. Please help how this garbage collector of non active/active sessions runs. Am i missing something in setting or code?

Few more information
O.S - Ubuntu 18.04
App+Openvidu CE - On same local machine
Publisher - Chrome
Subscriber - Chrome Incognito

Hello @rohit.roy

can you share your OpenVidu server logs with us? It seems a bug in OpenVidu.