Audio system and user screen does not record when sharing screen


I am trying to record user screen with system and microphone audio but the record only has microphone audio.

I read the topic below as reference and try to implement the answers, but the record only has microphone audio:

Before , in initScreenPublisher method, when only record screen and micriphone audio (open vidu angular default code) :

	private initScreenPublisher(): Publisher {
		const videoSource = ScreenType.SCREEN;
		const audioSource = this.hasAudioDevices ? undefined : null;
		const willThereBeWebcam = this.localUsersService.isWebCamEnabled() && this.localUsersService.hasWebcamVideoActive();
		const hasAudio = willThereBeWebcam ? false : this.hasAudioDevices && this.isAudioActive;
		const properties = this.openViduWebRTCService.createPublisherProperties(videoSource, audioSource, true, hasAudio, false);

		try {
			return this.openViduWebRTCService.initPublisher(undefined, properties);
		} catch (error) {

Now i am trying to record user screen, microphone and audio system togheter:

	private async initScreenPublisher(): Promise<Publisher> {
		const gdmOptions = {
			video: {
			  cursor: "always",
			  mediaSource: "screen"
			audio: {
			  echoCancellation: true,
			  noiseSuppression: true,
			  sampleRate: 44100

		const mediaDevices = navigator.mediaDevices as any; 
		const stream = await mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia(gdmOptions);
		const properties = this.openViduWebRTCService.createPublisherProperties(stream.getVideoTracks()[0], stream.getAudioTracks()[0], true, true, false);
		try {
			return this.openViduWebRTCService.initPublisher(undefined, properties)
		} catch (error) {