Could you provide the link to the API documentation for openvidu3?
I would like to see if IPCameras are supported in openvidu3 and what type of calls should I do to join an IP camera to a video room.
Thank you
Could you provide the link to the API documentation for openvidu3?
I would like to see if IPCameras are supported in openvidu3 and what type of calls should I do to join an IP camera to a video room.
Thank you
If you come from OpenVidu 2: you can update a dependency in your application and make it directly compatible with an OpenVidu 3 deployment. See Updating from OpenVidu v2 to OpenVidu v3.
If your are new to OpenVidu 3: it is fully compatible with LiveKit’s API, so all of LiveKit SDKs are directly compatible with an OpenVidu 3 deployment. You should use the appropriate LiveKit SDK (depending on your application’s framework) to implement the desired functionality. Here you have a quick guide on how to perform the most common tasks with LiveKit’s JS SDK: How to - openVidu.
That being said, for the moment there is no IP camera support available in OpenVidu 3. This is one of the very few features that were available in OpenVidu 2 and are yet to be implemented in OpenVidu 3. It will be done in the near future, for sure.
Best regards.